Companies (B2B)
Easily Discover new accounts
Use our databases to find new prospect accounts or enhance your own data.
Identify companies for account based prospecting using custom business attributes. Validated independently of our contact resources with more than 50 data points on 12.6 million global companies in top accuracy categories. Import your own list of company URL's or company names to enhance your own data and discover new accounts to target.
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How our Company data can Drive growth in your business
- Access 12.6 million global businesses and growing
- Filter and review the businesses within in new ways, allowing for niche targeting
- Add domain to your company file to improve match rates to contact databases and identify target companies for prospects without company name
- Extracted from our business contact data and other public sources, we have new accounts other sources miss
- Available as a full file license or as segments through EMMquery
See our pricing page, read about most recent updates or request a count.