As part of Every Market Media’s commitment to having data inventory for all applications we verify our (B2B) business email data in two ways. Just like our (B2C)...
Why Email Databases Should Use a Rough Cut
So you’ve got a big email list laying around. At least a couple hundred thousand emails. It’s old, or perhaps its origin has not been well documented.
Or maybe you’ve seen the recent stat from Briteverify that says 7% of input emails have typos and 10 – 15% contain invalid email addresses.
No matter the case, when you’re dealing with a large email data set that contains a high percentage of un-deliverable emails, paying to remove known bad or risky emails with a top dollar cleansing service is hurting your ROI.
While nothing can beat having verified emails right before you deliver, a best practice EMM agrees with, preparing your base data record to a “maintenance ready” state means that when you do pull records for a marketing campaign you can plan on the drop rate only being the natural decay of your list and not a bunch of other compounded factors, reducing scrub costs.
Let’s use a 2.5 million record email database to illustrate the potential savings to a medium sized consumer of email verification products.
- Live verify w popular vendor volume discounts: 2,500,000 x $5 / 1000 (.005 per email) = $12,500 - Static + live verification of balance w Firstpass: 2,500,000 x $1000 per million = $2,500
As an added bonus, as volumes rise, the static process will complete exponentially faster as database matching is faster per record than MX queries or live mailing. With a larger set like 20 million records, it’s a no brainer.
Faster and less expensive, who doesn’t want that on their marketing team? Now all you need to do is save $10,000 and allocate that budget towards live verifying whichever data segments you need, right before you need them and you can re-verify your entire file five times for the cost of a single live pass.
With over three years and four billion prospecting emails validated, Every Market Media (EMM) is a global leader in how to build scaled email databases cost effectively. We are excited to announce that, for the first time, EMM is making its double verification process available to other marketing services firms. This proprietary process allows a marketer with email data of an unknown nature to remove known bad records when quantities for processing the entire data set might otherwise make it impractical to validate. Common reasons very large datasets can be impractical to validate prior to this service include:
- Reputation based threats do not permit regular mailing for cleaning ad-hoc
- Time frame for “live” verifying enterprise volume emails can take months
- Email doesn’t get better with time so by the time you finish the whole set it needs to be cleaned again
- Verified data isn’t always consumed by sales and marketing teams, increasing costs
- Records that don’t successfully verify increase the cost of the net verified record, sets with a lot of bad data can be prohibitively expensive
- General internet domains (b2b) have low confidence verification results that can’t be trusted
Our combination process of static and live validation with threat control methods make us the first call for Fortune 100 email data problems. If you’ve experienced one of the above pains or would like for an expert to review your data problem, book a demo..
To learn more about our all of our enterprise data verification and analysis signals, contact EMM.